COVID-19 Smut Clyde

Ivermectin now against COVID-19, because

Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Sabine Hazan, and other ivermectin quacks. Follow Smut Clyde's descent to the antivaxxer hell.

French antisemite and covidiot Eric Chabriere once said about those who “refuse chloroquine and ivermectin”as COVID-19 cure:

The vermin detest the antiparasitics

Chabriere, friends with far-right politicians and always ready with a Holocaust joke, used the classic Nazi trope equalling his Jewish critics to vermin which must be eradicated with a pesticide, in an act of self-defence. Also Chabriere’s promotion of the antiparasitics chloroquine and ivermectin fits to this pattern of far-right covidiocies, as Smut Clyde once explained:

The Millennialist mindset is dominated by the promise of perfect health when the New Paradise dawns, both physically and in terms of the Body Politic, and the only obstacle to the arrival of the Eschaton is the presence of parasites in our midst. Eradicate enough of them – by summary execution in the case of counter-revolutionary saboteurs, intellectuals, rootless cosmopolitans or Deep-State Elites, or by IVM and bleach enemas in the corporeal case – and we will finally enter Utopia.

It is the conspiracy of the Capital, the Deep State, the Lizard People, or George Soros (all synonyms for The Jews), who force you to take those vaccines so they can get even richer! But the real solution is the cheap antiparasitics! Take ivermectin and cleanse yourself of the coronavirus, storm the Capitol and cleanse your nation of the parasitic vermin of your choice! (As aside, the fact that some of these far-right quacks and covidiots are Jewish only proves how badly wrong the antisemitic conspiracy theories are).

No wonder one of the January 6th fascist rioters was a certain Dr Simone Gold, the quack founder of America’s Frontline Doctors who make millions selling ivermectin (IVM) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) prescriptions. Because there is allegedly no money to earn with those patent-less miracle drugs, you see.

After many months of ivermectin touted as the miracle cure against COVID-19, we still to have to yet find at least one single clinical trial or meta-analysis about the horse dewormer’s alleged success which was not flawed, fudged or just fake. Maybe the Rotschilds and the Soroses hide those results, to sell their murderous vaccines??? Makes sense in the heads of people you are about to meet.

Now let Smut Clyde be your Virgil and take you by the hand, guiding you down the seven circles of antiparasitic hell full of rabid antivaxxers, violent covidiots, greedy quacks and paranoid fascists, not necessarily distinct groups of people.

Dr Peter A McCullough, New Galileo, Persecuted for Speaking Truth to Power

By Smut Clyde

When someone laments that $POLICY_QUESTION has become politicised, and calls for opponents of the author’s preferred course of action to depoliticise $POLICY_QUESTION by dropping their opposition, it is safe to bet that the preferred course of action is not supported by evidence – which is why the author wants to turn it into a political / tribal purity test. Case in point: this ‘White Paper’ from Economics Standard, in which Editor Erik Sass argued that the opponents of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID-19 were not opposed for honest reasons, but only because they disliked then-President Trump.

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AND THE BURDEN OF PROOF An Urgent Call to Depoliticize Medicine in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Also that only academic control-freaks worry about Randomised Controlled Trials, not Real Doctors; and the large clinical trials that found no benefit from HCQ were rigged by those dishonest opponents, so reviews and meta-analyses should only include small trials and lists of anecdotes from the chemical’s proponents. Therefore a refusal to prescribe HCQ is medical malpractice.

This White Paper was cited widely by paranoid-stylists (e.g. the “Washington Standard“), so it achieved its purpose. Copies are hosted on sympathetic sites such as Mediterranee-infection, Didier Raoult‘s online power-base. I know little of the author, Erik Sass, nor of this Economic Standard website / journal which he edits… though from the regular contributions stovepiped from the Thinktankocracy of Heartland Institute, Cato Institute, ‘National Taxpayers Union’ and such, explaining how infrastructure investment or cheaper health-care will impoverish everyone, I infer an alignment towards free-market Austrian School economics. Not to forget Sass’ praise for the economic populist pragmatism of the Hungarian government, which outweighs any concerns about that government’s autocracy political illiberalism.

Sass’ background is in history and journalism: he used to write about Historical Trivia for the churnalism site Mental Floss before his aspirations turned towards changing the world through fancy logos with Seneca tags. So for the White Paper he drew on the expertise of an international though anonymous network of Medical Professional advisors.

“This paper was written in close collaboration with practicing physicians and infectious disease specialists from across the United States and around the world. We are extremely grateful for their help in ensuring the accuracy of our analysis; any mistakes are The Economic Standard’s alone”

Like the universe, the antivax world is a sphere – its circumference is nowhere and its centre is everywhere – so when exploring it and following a trail of interconnections, your starting-point doesn’t much matter. Which is to say, the White Paper is not my actual focus today; I am more interested in Sass’ references.

These are dominated by cherry-picked Review Papers, rearranging a scanty source literature in overlapping combinations… or to alter the metaphor, the authors are like Victorian mud-larks or those kids in poorer countries, who glean the garbage dumps for scraps of recyclable material that they can match with other scraps, before everything goes into the GIGO mechanism of a Meta-Analysis to deliver the desired conclusion. Risch (2020) [1]; Prodromos, Rumschlag & Perchyk (2020) [2]; and Prodromos & Rumschlag (2020) [3] are especially relevant. All three exemplify the zero-standards garbage-scavenging nature of this genre by citing Esper et al (2020), which is an unpublished interim report from a garbage trial that was cancelled for fraud and ethics breaches, and which only exists as a PDF on someone’s blog. It has been cited in dozens of other pro-HCQ Reviews as well, because they all just re-shuffle one another’s citations while pretending to offer independent support.

Risch and Prodromos both made recent (overlapping) appearances in PubPeer threads, thanks to their collaborations with one Peter A. McCullough (along with other authors). For commenter ‘Bruchomorpha Jocosa‘ had concerns about McCullough’s failure to declare his position on the Boards of Directors of two companies, as a potential Conflict of Interest, and flagged the following:

* indicates a recommendation for ‘nutraceuticals’: food supplements and vitamins, or worthless placebos if you prefer

That last entry [11] is a literal A-to-Z of HCQ enthusiasts, from Alexander to Zelenko, pooling their powers in a Voltron of Advocacy. It appeared in a Special Issue of Reviews of Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM), initially proposed for the topic of ‘Utilizing Technology in the COVID 19 era’, but in practice hijacked by HCQ. That issue contained five (5) papers with McCullough as co-author (not counting his introductory Editorial [10]) also one by Didier Raoult and his minions, taking a break from publishing in Raoult’s own home journals.

Perhaps McCullough persuaded Raoult to submit a manuscript. A seventh paper aired the possibility that HCQ had not been accepted as the default treatment for COVID-19 because too many doctors and researchers are friendly to the Democratic Party. Did I mention that Dr McCullough is Editor-in-Chief of RCM?

The publisher of RCM is ‘Innovative Medical Research’, a new arrival in the scholarly-publishing industry, based somewhere in China (though with branch addresses in Hong Kong and Singapore). It should not be confused with Internal Medicine Review (IMR), which was a skeezy hybrid-model journal from ‘Knowledge Enterprises Inc’, disparaged by Jeffrey Beall in forthright terms.

If I can be permitted a brief explanatory digression: ‘hybrid model’ means double-dipping: potential readers paid for access to IMR papers, as well as its authors, to ensure that the authors’ brainfarts went without an audience. IMR was a write-only journal. Knowledge Enterprises Inc was Dylan Fazel, an egregious grifter who has since moved on to the more lucrative field of scamference fraud. I mention all this because the incessant wheedling spam-mail from IMR, soliciting contributions of manuscripts for its pages and $$$ for Dylan’s bank account, referred to Dr Chadwick Prodromos as its Editor-in-Chief and made his name familiar to countless recipients. I once emailed Prodromos to ask if he was really Editor-in-Chier, and whether he’d authorised the use of his name in this grift, but perhaps the message never reached him.

Before self-certifying in the treatment of respiratory virus infections and boarding the HCQ bandwagon, Prodromos was a knee surgeon and a specialist in sports medicine [offering stem cell quackery therapies at Illinois Sportsmedicine, -LS]. The announcement that his practice accepts payment in Bitcoin won acclaim in some circles. His papers [2] and [3] were published in the Journal of Raoultian Study New Microbes and New Infections, so kudos to Dr Prodromos for not publishing in a journal that he personally controls, which would be naff. End of digression. Back to McCullough.

McCullough is popular and much-run-after in Antivax circles (which has earned him three somewhat exhaustive posts from ‘Orac’ at Respectful Insolence). By way of example, McCullough was interviewed a few months ago by ‘Voices for Freedom’, the New Zealand instantiation of Covidiocy – resulting in a minatory, Cassandra-like ‘Message to the New Zealand Government’.

McCullough likes advising governments, and his presentation to the US Senate (uploaded to YouTuba by the ‘Association of American Physicians and Surgeons‘, AAPS) contained even more dramatic gesticulation and is best watched against a background of Death Metal music.

The NZ Message is not currently available on YouTuber… though readers who can cope with the sequential linearity of video narration can watch a YouTubed dissection of our man’s pompous mendacity, from DebunkTheFunk.

Dr Tim Wilson addresses some of McCullough’s grandiose fantasies, such as his claim to be an advisor to the Sri Lankan Government (as well). We learn along the way that he favours a ‘patient-oriented’ approach, rather than the population-oriented approach of public-health measures. Also, any cautious insistence on evidence that they benefit the patients, before selling them nutraceuticals or prescribing actual drugs, comes under the heading of ‘Therapeutic Nihilism’, which sounds bad: doctors should never admit to ignorance or worry about making things worse.

Here there is convergence with rightwing politics, for the AAPS [a.k.a. the John Birch Society in white coats] espouse the same policy: that the individual relationship between a doctor and a patient’s wallet is foundational to the health-care industry, and any legislation or insurance scheme that interferes with it by controlling patient exploitation or worthless treatments is EVIL SOCIALISM. Links in the US between far-right extremism and medical quackery – the right to sell snake-oil and pimp worthless supplements – go back a long way, and underlie the John Birch Society itself. As The Atlantic wrote about AAPS:

“It’s the most curious of medical organizations: a doctors’ interest group that seems more invested in the interests of doctors, rather than public health.”

The parallelism between McCullough and the AAPS are more than a similarity of philosophies. Citing Bloomberg News, the W*k*pedia entry on McCullough describes him as “a member of the conservative-leaning non-profit advocacy group”. At least five members of the AAPS helped on that 58-author A-to-Z paper [11], including the group’s Executive Director Dr Jane Orient, and Craig Wax who also co-authored [9]. McCullough and Orient worked together to craft a manifesto on Patient-Centred COVID-19 Snake-Oil and Nutraceuticals. But remember, liberals were to blame for politicising HCQ.

I should point out in passing that the A-to-Z author list includes Stella Immanuel. I am not sure what she contributed to the manuscript other than her financial acumen, as Immanuel is the Christianist fraudster who blames gynecological problems on Demon Sperm from the nocturnal visits of an Incubus, to be cured by prayer and exorcism (the crucial textbook in a proper medical education is evidently the Malleus Maleficarum). Another author listed his affiliation as “Recipient of the Texas HHS Meritorious Service Award”, just to see whether anyone was paying attention.

So we come to this 2020 news item from ‘TrialSiteNews’. It reports some clinical trials set up to demonstrate the efficacy of HCQ and IVM as COVID-19 treatments, as a prelude to profiting from their patented combination.

The companies involved are ProgenaBiome and Topelia Therapeutics. Essentially they’re the same… ProgenaBiome owns the trademark for TT, so I guess the latter is a subsidiary. Their Company Teams overlap, with Sabine Hazan as CEO (and other Hazans as far as the eye can see: Lydie, Carole, Charles). Also, McCullough.

Inquisitive French people ‘‘ inform us that another member of the ProgenaBiome team is Dr. Ryan Cole, a radicalised antivax covidiot who lies compulsively about vaccine / cancer links and “convinced Idaho school officials to scrap a mask mandate“.

Hazan herself is fervently opposed to vaccines for COVID-19, preferring that the population keep themselves safe with HCQ or IVM or one of her patented combinations from Topelia Therapeutics; or with fecal transplants from ProgenaBiome. One speculates that her fellow board members were picked for having similar attitudes. There is more proud AAPS membership on the board, because of course there is.

[As I wrote here, Dr Hazan, who also owns the company Ventura Clinical Trials where she lists all the Big Pharma as her clients, claims that both Crohn’s disease and autism are caused by vaccines, does this remind you of someone? Yes, Dr Andrew Wakefield! The main difference is Dr Hazan’s cure, which is unlike that by Wakefield, is not just metaphorically, but also literally shit. – LS]

[Hazan’s aforementioned “clinical trial” [5] was registered as retrospective observational trial NCT04949230 with “no intervention” and declared:

“Having developed combination therapies for Helicobacter pylori, we tested various COVID-19 combinations and describe the most effective. In 24 consecutive COVID-19 subjects with high risk features, hypoxia and untreated moderate-severe symptoms averaging 9 days, we trialed this novel combination comprising ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc, and Vitamins D and C. It was highly effective.”

The preprint claims these patients were the excluded leftovers from ProgenaBiome’s other clinical trial NCT04482686 which had in total just thirty participants with mild COVID-19 (“identified from patients referred by physicians, or word-of-mouth“). Allegedly, the retrospective observational NCT04949230 trial had 300 participants. In reality, it was just 24, and with intervention: all were treated with ivermectin, plus the “standard care” of zinc and vitamins C and D (“made in America“). The inclusion criteria into that retrospective trial was: “Recovery from COVID-19“, meaning those who did not recover were excluded. No wonder all chosen trial participants did great, thanks to ivermectin!

Since the enterprising investigators had no control arm, they invented one: “a synthetic control arm” which “was calculated from the public CDC database of COVID-19 subjects [21]“. Basically, ivermectin miracle was proven by comparing “our treated group arm survival” with 24 non-hospitalised patients “to the control group survival rate in the general population” of over 313,805 patients of “real-world care“. The insanity was celebrated in a press release. -LS]

McCullough’s presence in both companies, Topelia Thereapeutics and ProgenaBiome, is what inspired the queries at PubPeer about the incompleteness of his Conflict-of-Interest declarations in his papers. The responses from a Corresponding Author were not entirely satisfying, as one might be “an uncompensated board member of Progenabiome” but still have a financial interest in the success of the company’s products, if for instance one is burdened with shares.

In fact the whole TrialSiteNews site shares that opposition to the concept of preventing disease with ‘vaccination’. Its anonymous content providers hunt out rumours of the failures and injurious side-effects of vaccines, then conceal these payloads within a packaging of legitimate reports about clinical trial news… plagiarised from other pharmaceutical-sharemarket news sites or from PRN press releases.

Someone decided that HCQ and IVM really need their own dedicated news agency, reporting and promoting clinical trials on them, because otherwise people will never hear about HCQ and IVM. Hence a fawning interview with Hector Carvallo, Martyr to Truth IVM trial fantasist, inviting him to bemoan the suppression of his research by the medical establishment, without ever asking him for a look at his missing data. Just look at the site’s Advisory Committee!

There’s McCullough again, whose interests never conflict. And Robert Malone. And Pierre Kory. The intellectual milieu is so inbred, you expect the ‘Deliverance’ theme playing in the background.

Just look at the site’s contributors! Steve Kirsch is a tech tycoon who went off the rails, turning so rabidly antivax that his own companies told him to resign and spend more time with his money, which is why he now shows up beside Robert Malone in this milieu. [Kirsch is also into antidepressants on top of ivermectin, and kept offering me money to debate Kory on YouTube -LS]

Mary Beth Pfeiffer was a single-issue Chronic Lyme Disease alarmist before ‘ticks’ led her to ‘Ivermectin’ which led to Covidiocy, and now she’s sliding down the helter-skelter of Vaccine Concern.

The more you look into the site’s associated blogs and discussion boards, the more it looks like a disinformation site intended to lead casual visitors deeper and deeper into circles of conspiracism and epistemic closure. Someone paid to create a Hortus Conclusus for HCQ- and IVM-enthusiasts like Kory (all astroturf and a sense of unanimous consensus, where never is heard a discouraging word), for their ideas were not surviving out in the hostile larger world of empirical results. Someone like Steve Kirsch?

McCullough’s profiles at ProgenaBiome, at Topelia Thereapeutics and at TrialSiteNews credit him with “a widely read OPED series on COVID-19 in TheHill“. This is not really something to boast about, The Hill being a Trump-leaning website known for treating US politics as a Reality-TV entertainment show: celebrity journalism for Washington DC. Perhaps this credential carries more weight with TrialSiteNews‘s intended readership, and with potential ProgenaBiome and Topelia investors.

At any rate, the description is no longer accurate, as The Hill stopped running McCullough’s contributions over a year ago. A victim of Cancel Culture? One can only speculate. It probably didn’t help that he was consistently wrong, as if his columns were written from an alternative reality. Not content with pimping HCQ and ridiculing mainstream medical advice in the voice of professorial condescension, he took time to discourage face-masks, as these cause re-exposure to exhalations of one’s own aerosolised virus – which it is healthier (at least for oneself) to share with one’s neighbours. Surgeons, nurses and anaesthesiologists are somehow unaware of these dangers, and continue to wear masks in the operating theatre. I sometimes wonder if Dr McCullough is too highly placed in medical academia to need (or acquire) actual experience.

Before those The Hill contributions discontinued, McCullough’s by-line there dwelled on his affiliations:

“Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is vice chairman of medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and a professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. An internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, he is the editor in chief of “Cardiorenal Medicine” and “Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.”

A restraining-order theme is emerging here: McCullough seems consistently reluctant to move on from the past. His affiliation to Baylor Scott and White Health ceased some time ago, on terms that were not entirely amicable, and they are suing him to stop the reputational damage he inflicts by claiming that he’s still on their staff.

W*k*pedia agrees that our man edits Cardiorenal Medicine, but once again W*k*pedia is shown to be a lying jade, for that ceased somewhen between August 2021 and now.

As is the W*k*pedia custom for figures whose importance is questionable or partisan, the entry is locked against drive-by self-promotion and vandalism. The Talk page is a battlefield of ignorant armies clashing by night. Proponents of terms like “pseudoscience” and “misinformation” dispute with those who worry about the departure from strict neutrality. Some Wikieditors fret about the excessive space lavished on McCullough’s most recent pronouncements, but others reassure them that without that recent wingnuttery, McCullough has accomplished too little to be notable at all. Pop-up sock-puppet ‘Carolina_bonita1’ pleads for the immediate deletion of the entire entry, in deference to McCullough’s intensely private nature, something he really should have remembered before choosing to become a public laughing-stock.

I have focussed on McCullough’s output where he’s striving to present as reasonable and professorial. Orac is less generous, and his posts show McCullough in Depopulation Agenda, Vaccination Holocaust mode, with apocalyptic announcements crying out to be written in longhand in green ink and sellotaped to the interior of bus shelters. They are absolutely condamine-howitzer-placemap and I would be lamenting to see what a noble mind is here o’erthrown, if only there were more evidence of McCullough’s greatness in the past.

Those failures to disclose business interests have dominated the critiques of McCullough’s recent contributions to the scholarly literature, simply because it is harder to criticise review-article advocacy for imbalance and partiality. Editors and peers are seldom concerned that a succession of Reviews supported the same treatment advice by obsessively re-sampling the same limited stockpile of dodgy evidence (case studies, press releases, bogus claims of widespread international acceptance); nor that they excluded large, reliable studies that conflicted with the desired conclusions. Even Editors who aren’t P. A. McCullough of RCM are easily swayed by an author’s academic status and past success in CV enhancement.

Meanwhile, the Editors of American Journal of Medicine would like to repudiate

Peter A. McCullough, Ronan J. Kelly , Gaetano Ruocco , Edgar Lerma , James Tumlin , Kevin R. Wheelan , Nevin Katz , Norman E. Lepor , Kris Vijay , Harvey Carter , Bhupinder Singh , Sean P. McCullough , Brijesh K. Bhambi , Alberto Palazzuoli , Gaetano M. De Ferrari , Gregory P. Milligan , Taimur Safder , Kristen M. Tecson , Dee Dee Wang , John E. McKinnon , William W. O’Neill, Marcus Zervos, Harvey A. Risch Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection The American Journal of Medicine (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2020.07.003 [12]

They are reluctant to label it as ‘tendentious garbage’, so we get this instead:

“This article was accepted for publication at a time when scientific information concerning prevention and management of COVID-19 was rapidly evolving […] The results of scientific studies are always open to review and revision by later investigation. This was the case with some of the hopeful speculations in the article by McCullough et al. What seemed reasonable last summer based on laboratory experiments has subsequently been shown to be untrue.”

McCullough’s career as a kidney researcher / co-signer of other people’s papers had ground to a halt in the early 2010s. He had shifted to administration (until Baylor threw him out). COVID-19 was his chance to re-invent himself as a Maverick Thinker, fighting institutional inertia and riding the wave of the future.

Sadly, the HCQ Wave of the Future turned out to be a riptide, forcing McCullough to re-invent himself again – this time as a New Galileo, Persecuted for Speaking Truth to Power. That new pathway led him to the position of Rodeo Clown at this “C.O.V.I.D. Symposium” circus (9 October) at the Elevate Life Church.

Second-billed speaker, with Richard Fleming at the top of the bill: convicted fraudster, qualification fantasist and petty broad-spectrum grifter [h/t Cheshire]. How excruciating this exposure must be for an intensely private individual. So how’s the career shift working out?

Everest is a Health Care Professional

Going back to that White Paper, inquiring minds are wondering how Economics Standard editor Erik Sass (journalist and amateur historian) came to organise and oversee a team of health care professionals while they assembled one of these advocacy reviews. Were these the anonymous experts who collaborated with Sass on his own article? Another question is why the Acknowledgement of his central role vanished when the manuscript migrated from medRXiv to the august pages of Medical Hypotheses.

“Acknowledgement: We thank Mr. Erik Sass, editor-in-chief of The Economic Standard for his oversight and input.”

I would hate to think that any kind of coordination occurred, churning out these bagatelles to foster the impression of a spontaneous pro-IVM, pro-HCQ groundswell across the academic world.


An exercise in dumpster- diving from McCullough incurred a ‘Temporary Removal’, for

Jessica Rose, Peter A. McCullough A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products Current Problems in Cardiology (2021) doi: 10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.101011 

Which currently looks like this:

“The Publisher regrets that this article has been temporarily removed. A replacement will appear as soon as possible in which the reason for the removal of the article will be specified, or the article will be reinstated.”

His mate Robert Malone was inconsolable:

The authors’ bylines are intriguing.

1 Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI)
2 Truth for Health Foundation, Tucson, AZ, USA

IPAK, the “Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge”, sounds like the kind of grandiose organisation that might be headed by the evil genius in a James Bond pastiche (“Master of All Scientific Knowledge” was already taken), but is in fact the baby of James Lyons-Weiler (a.k.a. LifeBioMedGuru): a second-tier antivaxxer, would-be scamference impresario, and sentient embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

The “Truth for Health Foundation” is pure grift. I quote Medscape:

“But McCullough apparently has a plan for helping to defray his legal costs. In the August 3 interview, he said a foundation he helped start, Truth for Health, has a “donation side to it,” adding “some of that may be used for legal expense.”
Cheryl Jones, an attorney with PK Law in Towson, Maryland, said that might draw interest from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). “I would expect IRS scrutiny if contributions to the Medical Censorship Defense Fund are used to defend Dr McCullough in his personal breach of contract lawsuit,” she told Medscape.
The IRS generally recognizes defending “human and civil rights secured by law” as a legitimate charitable purpose for a legal
defense fund, she said, adding that such a fund “must serve only public, rather than private, interests.”

This is like using your GoFundMe account as an institutional affiliation.

Donate to Smut Clyde!

If you liked Smut Clyde’s work, you can leave here a small tip of 10 NZD (USD 7). Or several of small tips, just increase the amount as you like (2x=NZD 20; 5x=NZD 50). Your donation will go straight to Smut Clyde’s beer fund


28 comments on “Ivermectin now against COVID-19, because

  1. Fleming really doubling down with the QAnon guys.


  2. Pingback: Il prato delle bufale – ocasapiens

  3. Pingback: De linke weekendbijlage (43-2021) - Kloptdatwel?

  4. A door-to-door test-and-treat program utilizing an ivermectin+zinc+doxycycline+nutraceuticals protocol, eliminated COVID-19 among the (5% vaxxed) 230 million residents of Uttar Pradesh India, while COVID continued to rage and deaths continued to mount in their (20% vaxxed) neighboring State of Kerala with 35 million residents. On August 25th Kerala reported 215 deaths, while Uttar Pradesh reported just 2 deaths on the same day, even though it has more than 6.5 times as many residents.
    Hydroxychloroquine is still working as well as it did when Dr. Zev Zelenko reported in his letter of March 23, 2020 that he had early-treated 500 elderly and high-risk patients with 0 deaths and 0 hospitalizations.
    Continued working so well that by last fall Dr. Brian Tyson and his team had treated over 1,900 elderly and high-risk COVID patients with 0 deaths and 1 hospitalization of 4 days. In the latest news he and his team have treated over 6,000 COVID patients with 0 deaths among those that started treatment within the first 7 days of symptoms, and only 4 deaths among those that were symptomatic for 7-14 days.


  5. This article reads like it was written by Ted Kaczynski.


  6. Oh no, a paper by the ivermectin quack Pierre Kory got retracted for fraud! And it wasn’t even about ivermectin, but about other COVID-19 quack cures.

    Pierre Kory, G. Umberto Meduri , Jose Iglesias , Joseph Varon , Paul E. Marik Clinical and Scientific Rationale for the “MATH+” Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine (2021) doi: 10.1177/0885066620973585

    This was the retraction notice:

    “The article has been retracted after the journal received notice from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Norfolk, Virginia (“Sentara”) raising concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 hospital mortality data reported in the article pertaining to Sentara. Sentara’s notice included the following statements:

    ‘The data from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital were presented in Table 2, which lists in-hospital or 28-day mortality rates at the 2 MATH+ centers as compared to 10 published single-center and multicenter reports. The mortality rate among 191 patients at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital as of July 20, 2020 was reported as 6.1%, as compared to mortality rates reported in the literature ranging from 15.6% to 32%. The authors state that these data “provide supportive clinical evidence for the physiologic rationale and efficacy of the MATH+ treatment protocol.”‘

    ‘The data from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital that [are] reported in this paper are inaccurate. The paper briefly states the methods as: “Available hospital outcome data for COVID-19 patients treated at these 2 hospitals as of July 20,2020 are provided in Table 2 including comparison to the published hospital mortality rates from multiple COVID-19 publications across the United States and the world.”‘

    ‘We have conducted a careful review of our data for patients with COVID-19 from March 22, 2020 to July 20, 2020, which shows that among the 191 patients referenced in Table 2 that the mortality rate was 10.5%, rather than 6.1%. In addition, of those 191 patients, only 73 patients (38.2%) received at least 1 of the 4 MATH+ therapies, and their mortality rate was 24.7%. Only 25 of 191 patients (13.1%) received all 4 MATH+ therapies, and their mortality rate was 28%.’

    ‘Apparently […] census and mortality counts from hospital reports [were used] to calculate a mortality rate, but in so doing counted some patients in the denominator but not in the numerator because they died after July 20, 2020, the reported end date of the study. This would be an incorrect calculation of a hospital mortality rate, but might explain the incorrect number of 6.1% in Table 2. Using this incorrect mortality rate to compare with the published reports and claim a “75% absolute risk reduction” is thus an incorrect conclusion regardless of which mortality rate is used.’

    Given the above concerns that are material to the article’s findings, the article has been retracted.”

    Assume that everything else Kory pushes is just as fraudulent. As Smut Clyde commented:

    It takes a very special kind of researcher to fake the data so you can pretend that you’re recommending a treatment that keeps patients alive, when you know that really it’s killing them. Most of us don’t have that dedication.


  7. One or the other here might enjoy this:

    Ivermectin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know
    Scott Alexander

    ‘But here’s my pitch: this is one of the most carefully-pored-over scientific issues of our time. Dozens of teams published studies saying ivermectin definitely worked. Then most scientists concluded it didn’t. What a great opportunity to exercise our study-analyzing muscles! To learn stuff about how science works which we can then apply to less well-traveled terrain! Sure, you read the articles saying that experts had concluded the studies were wrong. But did you really develop a gears-level understanding of what was going on? That’s what we have a chance to get here!’…


    • Huh, weird blog. And it references my site, but not the ivermectin articles:

      Also in Cadegiani news: he apparently has the record for completing one of the fastest PhDs in Brazilian history (7 months), he was involved in a weird scandal where the Brazilian government tried to create a COVID recommendation app but it just recommended ivermectin to everybody regardless of what input it got, and he describes himself as:

      …the only author of the sole book in Overtraining Syndrome, the prevailing sport-related disease among amateur and professional athletes. He is also responsible for approximately 70% of the articles published in the field in the world in the last 05 years, and reviewer for more than 90% of the manuscripts in the field.

      The link goes to my article:


  8. Let’s have a look at the website of the clinical trial TOGETHER (NCT04727424, the one that claimed fluvoxamin was a breakthrough drug for COVID-19, Reis et al 2021). Turns out, ivermectin was “Stopped for futility“.


  9. I just received this email.

    Hi Leonid,

    My name is Lindsey and I am an associate of Dr. Prodromos from the Prodromos Stem Cell Institute. Below is a message from Dr. Prodromos regarding your previous work and articles on stem cell treatment:

    I have greatly enjoyed reading your work about stem cells.

    I am a board certified orthopaedic surgeon and stem cell specialist. I was trained at Princeton (AB), Johns Hopkins (MD), and Harvard/MGH (fellowship), among other places. I am editor of the ACL textbook for orthopaedic surgeons and was an assistant professor at Rush for 27 years before stepping back recently to focus on stem cell work. We perform world leading evidence based adult (not embryonic) stem cell clinical research and treatment through our institute ( and 501c3 non-profit foundation ( and publish regularly in high quality PubMed indexed medical journals.

    Our goal is to bring stem cell treatment to those who need it, generate solid data to help advance the field, and inform the populace about the field. Attached are two of our recent publications and two other papers recently submitted for publication. I tried to attach more but the system would not allow me to.

    Also attached are two articles (stem cell safety and stem cell efficacy) that I have written for another magazine which I think you will find interesting and hope you will peruse (1000 and 500 words respectively) and are the kind of non-technical writing I think your audience would enjoy. I am based in Chicago with a satellite office in Naples FL, and a stem cell treatment center in Antigua (please see the short videos on the home page at We have also just come to agreement to treat in Athens, Greece in their best hospital system.

    Stem cell treatment is exceedingly safe and effective for a wide variety of disorders. Given your expertise in this area, you would be in a great position to help us explain the evidence based facts about stem cell treatment to your readership so that more people can be helped. It is an area of intense interest as you know, with hard facts difficult to come by in the lay press. We are at the absolute cutting edge of this treatment with new advances that I would love to share with you that you will not find elsewhere.

    Please feel free to call me on my cell phone at 847-217-8409 or respond at this e-mail. Lindsey from our institute will also be coordinating any collaboration that may ensue between us.

    Best Regards

    Chadwick C. Prodromos MD
    Founder, The Prodromos Stem Cell Institute:
    Medical Director, The Foundation for Orthopaedics and Regenerative Medicine:


  10. Pingback: Grand Slam: Novak Djokovic vs COVID-19 – For Better Science

  11. smut.clyde

    So someone is now raising funds, allegedly for Dr McCullough, to pay his non-existent legal bills in a non-existent court-case against Elsevier. The appeal for donations goes through a religion-themed website, which is to say that affinity fraudsters are claiming a christian identity to help separate religious fuckknuckles from their money, and it is always possible that McCullough knows nothing of this.

    Anyway, this is all in accordance with the prophecy.


  12. Pingback: Elsevier pandemic profiteering, again – For Better Science

  13. Yikes, so they don’t have any proof it actually works yet they are implementing it everywhere?


  14. Sigurður Jónsson

    Often you big pharma shills are funny in your stupidity, but no healthy mind could write this.


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