Tag: Philipp Jungebluth

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 8.03.2024 – Your comments harm authors and their mental health

Schneider Shorts 8.03.2024 – Parkinson’s cured with Photoshop, Wiley abolishes COI policy, clean-up after sacked fraudsters, Bostonian reputations defended, retractions for Macchiarini and other science elites at QMUL, Stanford, Columbia and even for MDPI Jesus, and finally, PNAS special for Women’s Day!

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 31.03.2023 – Upon re-evaluation of the case

Schneider Shorts of 31.03.2023 – Unexpected retraction for Italian trachea transplant surgeon, first retraction to US cancer bigwig and lady friend, retraction of retraction for Georgia State papermiller, helping Iranian peers from Germany, a Canadian whistleblower’s relentless fight, with rascist academic elites, Germany’s Nazi expert, and finally, advice from a child prodigy on how to work hard and learn a lot!