Category: Smut Clyde

paper mills Smut Clyde

Oh what Botangled web we weave

“Would it be irresponsible to speculate that all these multiple sets of images being handed around from paper to paper all belong to a papermill? An artisanal, bespoke fabrication studio, catering to a select group of clients? It would be irresponsible not to speculate!” – Smut Clyde

paper mills Smut Clyde

A Critique of Pure Reason

“the rarest, most sought-after token of recognition is when the Chen brothers steal your identity to use as a fictive co-author on one of their plagiarism gallimaufreys. For instance, “Bunnitru Daleanu” was based on (and memorialises) the nonpareil Rumanian mathematician Dumitru Baleanu – now resident in Turkey” – Smut Clyde