Month: April 2023

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 28.04.2023 – Helping young and aspiring people

Schneider Shorts 28.04.2023 – old American papers in need of fixing, young russian and Iranian researchers in need of helping, French whistleblowers in need of punishing, Austrian anti-aging supplements in need of advertising, with an anti-aging pimp on cocaine, depressive fish in China, cured Israeli soldiers, and finally, retractions in full, in part and not at all.

University Affairs

Stuck with Hommel, or Bad Choices in Leiden

“Scientific articles often have more than one author, with different contributions and responsibilities. It cannot be the case that in all events of demonstrated malpractice in publications, where one or more authors have been shown to have breached the scientific integrity, all other authors are therefore suspect without any further indication.” Leiden University defends Bernhard Hommel