COVID-19 Smut Clyde

How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery

"People who feel deprived of the credit that they think they deserve will gravitate to new friends who do at least pretend to respect them sufficiently." -Smut Clyde

Robert Malone says he is the real inventor of mRNA vaccines and this is why you must trust him when he warns those vaccines are deadly. Instead, to protect yourself against COVID-19 you should take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, Vitamin D and of course the hurt-burn drug famotidine. In a bucket, probably.

It’s not just antivaxxery of course, Dr Malone goes for the full deal of covidiocy and rejects everything, except of quack cures of course.

Here a conference Malone organised in Italy:

“The International Covid Summit in Rome took place in the Italian Senate and was hosted by Roberta Ferrero, an Italian senator. It concentrated on the question of early treatment protocols for COVID, some of which include Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The conference opened with a video message from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whom Dr. Malone then called a hero who deserves the Nobel Prize for his heroic and effective way of saving the lives of many COVID-19 patients throughout this coronacrisis.”

So this is Smut Clyde‘s and mine contribution to the Nobel Prize week.

With Dr Malone eagerly going to bed with quacks, antivaxxers and far-right white supremacists (like Steve Bannon), it is a bit reminiscent of the paranoid conspiracy theorist and COVID-19-denialist Judy Mikovits, who by being a former virologist is the proper scientific authority whom these people will accept. Incidentally also an article by Smut Clyde!

Not just the narrator of a novel-length soliloquuy by Sam Beckett

By Smut Clyde

Vaccinations make COVID-19 infections worse, because ADE. No, really.

ADE, or ‘Antibody-dependent enhancement’, is the idea that vaccines or a previous infection with X results in the second infection with X becoming worse. This doesn’t happen with COVID-19. Malone doesn’t bother to explain what ADE is supposed to be, because his audience only want Worship Words and acronyms so they know it’s Science.

As CBS reported:

“One particularly damaging tweet that gained a massive response came from Robert Malone, an infectious-disease researcher and accused spreader of anti-vaccination misinformation who calls himself the “inventor” of mRNA vaccines despite evidence to the contrary.”

This Robert W. Malone – “a prolific social media poster who raises a rare breed of Portuguese horses on a farm in Virginia” – is the most recent addition to the antivaccine Pantheon of Leading World Authorities. His tweets churn through social media to become a leading vehicle for the dissemination of crappy Vaccines’R’Bad papers (before their inevitable retraction). He has been profiled in articles in Nature and The Atlantic. His antivax admirers hail him as the Inventor of mRNA Vaccines – a description which is backed by the authority of the website of one Robert W. Malone. Before June 2021, though, none of them had heard of him.

In fact Malone himself only realised recently that he had invented mRNA vaccines. The assertion of intellectual parentage does not appear in a 2019 archived copy of his site.

It seems that this paternity claim only occurred to him when Katalin Karikó and her colleagues developed the BioNTech / Pfizer mRNA vaccine against COVID-19 and licensed the same methods to Moderna, confounding the skeptics (including myself [and myself, I must admit!- LS]) who’d doubted that this new technology – previously only applied to cattle – would work against a respiratory virus.

The Atlantic article documents Malone’s harassment of Karikó.

“Karikó shared with me an email that Malone sent her in June, accusing her of feeding reporters bogus information and inflating her own accomplishments. “This is not going to end well,” Malone’s message says.”

One’s first impulse is to check what Wikipedia has to say on the matter, but the otherwise-pristine waters of that fount of knowledge are muddied by the inevitable Drama. Notably, Malone sockpuppet ‘Glasspool1‘ spent March and June 2021 rewriting the entries on ‘DNA vaccine’, ‘mRNA vaccine’ and ‘RNA therapeutics’ to position Malone at the forefront of innovation. After Glasspool1 was blocked and her revisions were reverted, another sockpuppet ‘Asailum‘ sprang up in her place to denounce the persecution, to defend antivax misinformation, and to blame everything on AntiFa / BLM agitators Wikipedia’s left-wing bias. Both are evidently Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone, Robert’s wife and for already 20 years “President at RW Malone MD, LLC“.

‘Orac’ at Respectful Insolence ventured into the morass, to a depth that is exhaustive even by my standards. All that matters here is that the removal of Dr Glasspool’s spamming additions gave Malone the chance to seek out the company of sympathetic medscammers and wrap himself in the mantle of a persecuted victim of a Censorship Conspiracy, just like them.

When Malone’s name first popped up in the churning hybrid of Ouroboros and the Human Centipede that constitutes antivax discourse, I took myself to the journals and found the same references that everyone else finds. As a grad student, Malone had indeed joined a research team at the Salk Institute that had studied RNA expression / transcription, before falling out with his supervisor and moving to a start-up rather than wait around for a PhD. The Salk work produced a 1989 paper on RNA transfection with Malone as first author (“Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection”).

In biology authorship etiquette, that is the totem-pole position for the student who did the experiments, under the direction of the laboratory leader who assigned the topic and becomes the last author [incidentally, the then-Salk director Inder Verma, who claimed the prestigious last author’s position, was retired in shame in 2018 for his decade-long practice of sexual harassment and discrimination at Salk. In case of Malone’s, it’s likely the research was actually coordinated by the middle-author and vaccine developer Philip Felgner -LS]

Malone was also a minor author of a second paper from 1990, from Felgner’s Vical start-up (“Direct Gene Transfer into Mouse Muscle in Vivo”).

At one stage Malone and Glasspool worked on injecting DNA as a vaccine (to be absorbed by recipient cells, expressed as mRNA, and then transcribed as protein)… which is why he described himself in 2019 on his promotional website, with unusual modesty, as “one of the inventors of DNA vaccination”. I come here not to bury these accomplishments, but to praise them.

His name appeared next to Felgner and others as one inventor on Vical patents US-7250404-B2 and US6867195B1 (inter alia) on therapeutic applications of injectable mRNA, including its use as a vaccine: instructions for cells in the recipient’s body to assemble a protein, to elicit an immune response (rather than injecting the protein directly). In the absence of crucial details for implementing that concept (like stabilising the mRNA molecules and tailoring them to look less virus-like to one’s immune defenses), the patents held little value, and duly expired in 2006. No place for them in Nature‘s display of mRNA intellectual inter-dependence!

ArbutusModernaArcturus? These are typefaces, not drug companies! (Image source: Nature)

However, Malone did not linger at Vical, leaving later in 1989, ‘citing disagreements with Felgner over “scientific judgment” and “credit for my intellectual contributions”.’ He subsequently alternated between Academia and a career in the pharmaceutical industry. This is an important CV adornment if one is to be lionised by Pharma skeptics, as an insider-turned-apostate is more credible than someone who’d been on the right side all along. Everyone loves a Road-to-Damascus Conversion story, though personally I regard it as the least of the Crosby / Hope / Lamour movies.

More accurately, a succession of Big Pharma careers, driven by disagreements from one difficult working environment to another. Tom Bartlett remarks at The Atlantic:

“The portrait [colleagues] paint of Malone is of an insightful researcher who can be headstrong. They related accounts of him, pre-pandemic, getting booted from projects because he was hard to communicate with and unwilling to compromise.”

Catherine Offort at The Scientist:

“As former chief medical officer of Alchem Laboratories Corporation, Malone has previously been involved in work on famotidine: in April 2020, Alchem and its subcontractor Northwell Health were awarded a $20.7-million government contract to test the drug in combination with hydroxychloroquine in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19, the Associated Press reported last summer.
Malone left that study and resigned from Alchem shortly after the contract was awarded, citing a difficult working environment, he told the AP and confirms in an email to The Scientist.”

It never seemed to occur to him that there might be a single common element in all these difficult environments.

The famotidine contract is a story in itself. “There were no published data or studies to suggest that famotidine, the active ingredient in Pepcid, would be effective against the novel coronavirus“, but it inspired another priority battle: Malone and a Dr Callaghan both claimed credit for the brain-fart of using it to treat COVID. Before he walked away from the study in protest at his lack of recognition, Malone believed strongly enough in famotidine to take it himself to cure his own infection (to strengthen his immunity, he also accepted a dose of Moderna vaccine, which he now blames for his lingering post-COVID malaise). The insouciant, pervasive corruption of the Trump administration made it easy to throw $21-million down a rat-hole in the hope of a miracle occurring that would obscure the incompetence of the president’s decisions.

This combination of corruption and faith provides a convenient segue to the other aspect of Malone’s current popularity: his role in the Rise of Ivermectin (IVM). Leonid covered this topic already and it rarked so many first-time commenters into a spittle-flecked rage that I should briefly touch on it again.

It isn’t clear why the quest for an existing, pre-licensed drug with serendipitous antiviral powers moved on from the Hydroxychloroquine fiasco, then famotidine, and came to settle on IVM (which kills ticks and nematode worms) as a cure for COVID-19. At least in the HCQ farrago, there were anecdotal reports from China to give it some credibility… patients who take HCQ for Lupus seemed to become less susceptible to COVID.

Now, of course, the $$-million griefers have emerged from the woodwork: the “Frontline Doctor” fraudsters, devoting what time they can spare from the inflation of their credentials to discourage vaccination and to pimp their on-line IVM prescription / sale services. The IVM-advocacy anti-mask ‘BIRD Group’ behind the meta-analysis by Bryant et al. (2021) are smaller in scale, but they’re crowd-sourcing funds to establish a “Ivermectin Buyers’ Club”. Also the disinformation grifter sites like “” and “” from the same anonymised network that previously pumped HCQ for equally dubious, bad-faith reasons. But before all that happened, why IVM in particular?

One could speculate about the sway that is exerted on the Chiliast imagination by parasites. The Millennialist mindset is dominated by the promise of perfect health when the New Paradise dawns, both physically and in terms of the Body Politic, and the only obstacle to the arrival of the Eschaton is the presence of parasites in our midst. Eradicate enough of them – by summary execution in the case of counter-revolutionary saboteurs, intellectuals, rootless cosmopolitans or Deep-State Elites, or by IVM and bleach enemas in the corporeal case – and we will finally enter Utopia. Norman Cohn’s historical survey is always worth reading.

But I digress. A few large, early studies reported very positive outcomes from IVM: Niaee et al (2020), Carvallo et al (2020), Elgazza et al (2020), Patel & Desai (2020), Cadegiani et al (2021). These were widely read (not only by emotionally-invested enthusiasts like Pierre Kory and his FLCCC), and included in meta-analyses, which were thereby swayed towards favouring the drug. Prior to Kyle Sheldrick and Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, no-one looked closely enough to see the red flags of fraud and completely made-up data. So there is no shame in initially sharing that enthusiasm. Why the authors of those early studies were so confident that less-fabricated research would support them, so they could safely fake data without fear of any close inspection, remains a mystery.

Catherine Offort at The Scientist picks up the story here. Readers will be familiar with Special Issues as a “multilevel marketing” aspect of the Frontiers business model. Malone approached Frontiers with the suggestion of a Special Issue on drug-repurposing approaches to COVID-19 (therapeutic serendipity does happen but it is not a reliable avenue to pharmaceutical success). Primarily he had papers in mind that would vindicate his wisdom in promoting famotidine. For balance he invited Kory to contribute a piece of IVM advocacy.

Purged by Frontiers (here backup)

Readers should also be familiar with the Frontiers policy of wishing regrettable papers into the cornfield, with no explanation, nor acknowledgement that they’d ever existed. In fact they dissolve entire Research Topics with the same Orwellian erasure of the past. That damnatio memoriae happened here. Less sympathetic readers of Kory’s contribution saw all the cherry-picking and judged it to be a display of orchardry more than of impartial scholarship. The authors withdrew it, to find a friendlier home elsewhere (though not in a horticulture journal). Meanwhile the Frontiers management rejected one of Malone’s own papers, so he and his co-editors – belatedly realising that the publisher is yet another hostile work environment – disbanded the Special Issue by resigning. [Poor Frontiers. The serious scientists left, and now the unserious ones are leaving also. -LS]

Don’t worry about Malone’s rejected paper: versions are available at the preprint servers ResearchSquare and SSRN, looking for a good home. While according to his Editorial for a forthcoming issue of Digestive Diseases and Sciences, famotidine has already “gained informal acceptance worldwide due to anecdotal positive clinical responses and practicing physician referrals“. Well done Springer! This must be the ‘cancel culture’ we hear about!

Kory subsequently abandoned any pretence that large-scale data support the prescription of ivermectin. Now he ridicules the notion of relying on mere studies for treatment guidance, appealing instead to Clinical Judgement, anecdotes and Personal Testimonials as the highest grade of evidence. But this is the point where he leaves the story.

Meanwhile Malone is accepting and promulgating more and more outlandish beliefs, for he has slipped the surly bonds of consensus reality. Spike proteins as toxic? Accumulation in ovaries? Conspiracies? Why not?

Screenshot from deleted YouTube video with Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch (left to right). [Multimillionaire Kirsch now promotes fluvoxamine as COVID-19 cure and invited me to debate Kory on YouTube, -LS]

It is tempting to think that Malone went over to the Dark Side for money, but he’s not selling anything AFAIK, nor crowd-sourcing donations to support spurious law-suits.

One thing I learned in a previous career is that although money, and blackmail, and ideology can all cause someone to betray their oaths to county and turn into an intelligence asset for the other side, a major risk factor is thwarted self-esteem: resentment at a perceived lack of recognition. People who feel deprived of the credit that they think they deserve will gravitate to new friends who do at least pretend to respect them sufficiently. The recruitment of HUMINT assets is all about playing on this resentment. Don’t elect a fragile narcissist to a position with access to state secrets or policy, is my passing advice to US voters.

Malone has been embraced by the far right as a result of his contrarian posture (while Kory and the FLCCC are snuggling up to sites like “Gateway Pundit”, noted for mixing far-right conspiracism with extreme stupidity). This only increases their credibility in the antivaxosphere.

Stolen from Oglaf

I don’t know what it is about antivaxxers and inflated self-esteem. When “Inventor of E-mail” didn’t work for Shiva Ayyadurai anymore, and his career as a rightwing US politician crashed and burned, he started competing with Robert Kennedy Jnr. to be Antivaxxiest of Them All [Spoiler Alert: Shiva Ayyadurai did not invent e-mail]. I am personally the inventor of three new sex positions, but you don’t hear me going on about that accomplishment all the time.

Malone’s website is packed with other grandiose accounts in which he was central to (for instance) the defeat of Ebola fever, but I have lost interest in determining how (if at all) these relate to reality.

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81 comments on “How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery

  1. Malone is knowledgeable in the area of mRNA vaccines being among the first to work on it, and still actively involved in such development today. Those wanting to smear will have a hard time getting any foothold with substance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • smut.clyde

      still actively involved in such development today

      This was your opportunity to explain Dr Malone’s recent contributions in the area of mRNA vaccines.


      • Bill Gates

        Exactly…. he hasn’t contributed to the area since 2000/2001. Credit to him, and the two (?) others, who had the idea that mRNA could be used as a vaccine delivery method in ’87, but the contributions by other since then deserve far more credit than his initial idea and demonstration.


  2. I’m confused. There doesn’t seem to be anywhere to turn for credible information.


    • Lee Rudolph

      You have reached the still point of the turning world, neither flesh nor fleshless, neither from nor towards. (You may, however, want to beware of grues.)


    • Lucky you. Other people are feeling much worse things, for example, like being abused of their good faith and trust.


  3. Ann Bissett-Strahl

    Whatever the author may think of Dr Malone, and I confess that I disagree and feel that Dr Malone is really on to something whether he pursues it because of his ego or an over riding sense of obligation to save humanity, doesn’t really matter. The epidemiology speaks for itself. Those who would like to deny the fact that the vaccine doesn’t provide any level of sustained immunity, or protect against transmission, have the plain simple data to contend with. Anyone who has said it was safe has to contend with the 100 fold increase in reported adverse events of VAERS….it doesn’t actually matter that they haven’t been proven linked to the vaccine, because no other vaccine in history has caused this level of complaints and any idiot knows that where there is smoke there is fire.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ImJusThinkin

      A Hell of a Conversation while Waiting for Heaven:

      Hey Jon, how’s purgatory treating you? What brings you here?

      Jon: “covid-19”

      You TOO? No kiddin’! If I recall, when I saw you three months ago you said you were on your way to get a vaccine.

      Yeah, but then I read something by somebody who said, “The vaccine doesn’t provide any level of sustained immunity”. So I thought “Why bother?”

      So when did YOU get covid?

      Five weeks later.

      Jeez, Jon, that’s probably when the vaccine would’ve been really kicking in!

      Yeah … I GUESS! Well, you know that where there is smoke there is fire.

      Yeah, so true, so true!


    • ImOldEnoughToKnow

      “…no other vaccine in history has caused this level of complaints…”

      Vaccine complaints? You want vaccine complaints? Did ya ever hear of poliomyelitis and Cutter Laboratories?


      When the results of those studies showed the vaccine [[ the Salk “inactivated poliovirus” vaccine ]] to be safe and effective in 1955, church bells rang. Loudspeakers in stores, offices and factories blared the news. People crowded around radios. “There was jubilation,” says Stewart. People couldn’t wait to sign their kids up for a shot.

      Then tragedy struck. One of the six labs manufacturing the vaccine, Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., made a terrible mistake. The correct list of ingredients for the Salk vaccine called for polio virus that had been inactivated, but in the Cutter facility, the process of killing the virus proved defective. As a result, batches of the company’s vaccine went out that mistakenly contained active polio virus. Of the 200,000 children who received the defective vaccine, 40,000 got polio from it; 200 were left with varying degrees of paralysis, and 10 died.


      I had polio in 1950. Some lifelong muscle weakness. Some “post polio syndrome” these later years. I was lucky. I got the vaccine in 1955.

      Except for that Cutter incident there was little else to complain about. Just as soon as the scientists figured out what went wrong (and cut Cutter out of the picture) pretty much the whole country went right back to getting the jab.

      Read the story. That one incident pretty much seems to wake-swamp the “complaints” about the various covid-19 vaccines, meaning, of course, complaints from people WHO GET THEM. Yet there is strong evidence, as a matter of true fact, that both vaccine efforts are commendable successes, ESPECIALLY IF one examines the alternative, likely-outcome without them (and the knowledge that led to them).

      It has been said and sung that that youth is wasted on the young. Perspective, on the other hand, would not.


    • eris blisset

      Where is smoke is fire is something that idiots say…


  4. Bob Franklin

    That’s because VAERS reporting requirements were expanded for the Covid-19 vaccines. Most other vaccines are only required to report specific adverse events. See


  5. Smut. You are well-named.


  6. Damian Gallagher

    This may be the dumbest article I have had the misfortune to read, I hope Smut takes every dose of every mRNA/DNA jab offered.


    • Smut Clyde

      This may be the dumbest article I have had the misfortune to read

      I’m taking that as a challenge to make the next one even dumber. Hold my beer!


  7. Kassady Christian Laplante

    you claim he is wrong, but provide no evidence. ill take his word over yours.


  8. NMH, the failed scientist and incel

    My last advisor, who was a post doc who worked for someone at Harvard and a NAS member, was an MD (not a PhD) obsessed with becoming a famous physician scientist. He didnt care about doing good science, he cared about being famous and well-known. I have little doubt he will lie or pressure people in the lab to commit fraud so that he can become that. I’ve come to appreciate that the biggest problem with progress in humanity is human ego.

    So,, Malone tested lipofectamine on RNA and it worked as a transfection agent, and now he is saying he invented RNA vaccination? This is got to be the most ridiculous overstatement I’ve heard in a long time. This man needs to be caned.


  9. I thought that the Nature article at was balanced in describing Malone’s significant contribution to mRNA technology, and his unraveling role in science

    He is interesting to me. He’s far from the first first-rank scientist to take really dumb stances—Pauling’s obsession with Vitamin C curing cancer, Inventor-of-PCR Mullis’s rejection of HIV as cause of AIDS are, to me, more noteworthy examples

    But how he went from his crude encapsulation of RNA into lipid particles, to rejecting mRNA-based vaccines as dangerous experiments 34 years later is quite a turnabout. Along the way, he seems to have become embittered at those who pursued his line of work. But those who know the history of mRNA vaccines (and the Nature article reached further back than I had before), will know how it appeared as a fruitless approach, too difficult to be worth any effort. Surely he dropped whatever enthusiasm he had, too

    Once you’re out of the club, you look for alternatives. Trump, ever the gambler, latched onto the always-a-long-shot HCQ and Azithro. Others, such as Malone, jumped on the IVM bandwagon. Anything, as long as it served to say there WAS an answer, just that Fauci et al were ignoring it for some Eevil Reesons

    Myself, I’m not much of a Zoroastrian & look beyond good-v-evil for more recent/scientific explanations for why Trump, Modi, Bolsonaro and their ilk denied COVID’s seriousness. Surely they rationalized that they couldn’t just admit they were powerless, that there’d be rioting in the streets, so they had to placate the populace with whatever else they could come up with. Sadly, IVM & HCQ & bleach are not very good answers, except to obscure the truth of what WOULD work

    Malone seems to have fallen into the idea fixe trap, cognitive dissonance of why he didn’t pursue mRNA tech, assuaged by alternative treatments that must work

    Thus, he’s a new character in the anti-vax bestiary, well worth a closer, less snide look at how he achieved his semi-great infamy.


    • smut.clyde

      Thanks for this insightful, empathetic comment. As you say, Malone is an interesting case… a Saruman, as it were, rather than a Sauron. I speculated in a superficial way about how he got where he is, but I wasn’t comfortable trying to reconstruct his mentality in any more depth, for that borders on remote diagnosis (which is a Bad Thing).


  10. Pingback: Ivermectin now against COVID-19, because – For Better Science

  11. MasterMind

    Read for yourself, he did invent the RNA Technology. He did not invent the vaccine.

    Orignal transcript – Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection

    Click to access 6077.full.pdf


    • smut.clyde

      Cited and linked in the post. The Salk work produced a 1989 paper on RNA transfection with Malone as first author (“Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection”).


      • Exactly.. but you just keep trying to discredit him, he did along with others invent the rna technology. What’s your point in saying he is the first author.. but above in your article you claim “ In case of Malone’s, it’s likely the research was actually coordinated by the middle-author and vaccine developer Philip Felgner ” trying to make it seem as if Dr. Malone is not smart enough. Which is FAR from the truth


  12. Jabber the smut

    There’s a lot of smutty stuff here. And you want me to buy you a beer?!


  13. smut.clyde

    Readers may enjoy this Twiddle thread:

    And it appears to involve collusion between CNN, the Sesame Street organization, and Pfizer. This may meet criteria for corrupt racketeering.— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) November 9, 2021

    The comments are not kind to Malone.


  14. When you disagree with someone you call them a biggot when there is no evidence of that being the case. How would you like to be gaslit and called a biggot? The peasants are on to the globalists using race and gaslighting as beens of divide and conquer.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Klaas van Dijk

    Copy/pasted from : “your call. who are you going to listen to? I give you well sourced information and try to help you to be able to interpret it for yourself. CNN and the legacy media gives you propaganda, USG/Big Pharma lies, and cartoon characters designed to sell jabs directly to children.” (13 November 2021). Archived at

    Liked by 1 person

  16. smut.clyde

    People who enjoy Malone’s deep insights into Big Bird & RICO prosecutions may also enjoy his new venture, the International Medical Association.

    Come for the Ebola & Zika; stay for the Lorem Ipsum.

    Looks like Malone and Malone-Glasspool wanted a website as the International Medical Association, to continue waging the War on Zika and to promote Malone’s claim to be the person who defeated it. They found a template site ( and started customising it. Then got distracted by a squirrel. They are deeply serious people.

    Part of the “International Medical Association” turned into an advertisement for thoroughbred horses, reflecting Malone’s high-end hobby as race-horse breeder.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Interesting smear piece, first attempting to discredit someone key to the creation of these vaccines who clearly has some very precise and justified concerns

    Have you looked at the Swedish data recently Mr ‘Better Science’ -odd that only they are being spared a winter wave?


  18. I find it funny how your opinion and approach is heavily politized. “White supremacy, right wing, stupid conservatives”.

    If you want to convey information, do it. Leave your bias out of it. All I see is an angry little fascist, upset that opposing opinions exist. And if they exist, they must! be white supremacy, right wing nut jobs… You shouldn’t have a platform to speak, Clyde. You are honestly the biggest problem we face, not covid. Snide condescension and insults yeild zero results.

    You are the people you hate. Congrats.


    • smut.clyde

      Apparently I should be deprived of a platform to voice my dislike of opposing opinions.


      • I just learned that those who disapprove of white supremacy are the REAL fascists.
        And that while Malone has all the social media plus the Nazi InfoWars all for himself, Smut & I must pack in our little platform before the white supremacist “anti-fascists” get us.


    • I will sleep much better knowing that smut is “honestly the biggest problem we face….”


    • smut.clyde

      It’s not entirely clear what Dippy is all hot-&-bothered about. The characterisation of Bannon as a far-right white supremacist? That’s his brand. He boasts of it.


  19. smut.clyde

    Ernie Piper’s account of interviewing Malone, and Mike Yeadon, is a valuable source on the backstory of Malone’s current claims.

    I would included it if I’d encountered it in time.


    • Ah yes, Logically.AI – the irrefutable source of facts! Get rid of the encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks.

      Ernie – his qualifications include: “Worked as a travel journalist, and has published two books: a travel guide, and a memoir about performing in a musical in Turkey.”

      Still looking for evidence that he is good for anything other than writing what his employers pay him to write.


  20. S. Thompson

    What exactly are your credentials? Who’s spreading misinformation – YOU or the guy who actually knows about this stuff and he’s risking everything to inform the public? Who’s paying you to write this garbage.. Pfizer?


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