Tag: cold fusion

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 12.01.2024- White Man’s Burden

Schneider Shorts 12.01.2024 – a white victim of Indian fraud, whom Royal Society of Chemistry really trusts, with image analysis software expertly applied, a cold fusion breakthrough, retractions for killer doctors, and where US universities went wrong.

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 11.11.2022 – Don’t let aggressive blogs ruin everything you worked for

Schneider Shorts 11.11.2022 – cheater’s husband spams fellow cheaters, a German university gets whistleblower protection wrong, cold fusion returns to USA, papermill retractions, a meat shill in LA, cord blood quacks in UK, Elsevier’s time warp, plus silly Alzheimer’s science and an Alzheimer’s fraud sleuth asking to retract his own papers.