Tag: International Association of Advanced Materials

Blog Scamferences

Leopoldina and Tiwari’s scamferences, or what’s the point of Academies

The German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina, advertises for Ashutosh Tiwari’s predatory conferences. Occasion: Academician Herbert Gleiter won an IAAM Award.

Industry Medicine Scamferences University Affairs

New fraud findings and new heart surgery business for Ashutosh Tiwari

Ashutosh Tiwari and his patron Tony Turner were found guilty of research misconduct by Linköping University. Turner is to be sacked as EiC of his Elsevier journal Biosensors and Bioelectronics, a paper he tried to correct there will be retracted. Meanwhile, Tiwari and his LiU colleague Mikael Syväjärvi started a new business: they offer heart surgeries in India.

Research integrity Scamferences

Linköping University and Tiwari’s predatory conferences

The predatory conferences organised by Ashutosh Tiwari became now a comparatively modest affair. Tiwari stopped pretending being a LiU professor and even ceased signing his conference invitations. Internet announcements for his conference scams became rather minimalistic, while conference programmes or lists of speakers are not released to participants and are apparently arranged on the spot.

Academic Publishing Research integrity Scamferences

How scam artist Ashutosh Tiwari played Linköping University

“I fully support Dr Ashutosh Tiwari being permitted to enter the Docent programme of Linköping University. [.. }He is carrying out first-rate research, supervising students, has organised a number of international events on behalf of Linköping University, has an excellent publication record and has recently designed a PhD course for us. […]
Yours sincerely,
Professor Anthony P F Turner PhD, DSc, FRSC”

Academic Publishing Research integrity Scamferences

Predatory conferences and other scams of false Swedish professor Ashutosh Tiwari

Ashutosh Tiwari, former employee of Linköping University, built an entire industry of predatory publishing and conferences, which hosted many among the material science research elite, all from a small rented office in the industrial area of Linköping. Tiwari’s genius trick was to play at the vanity and greed of certain academics.