Category: Maarten van Kampen

Maarten van Kampen University Affairs

MIT review closed and decision final

“MIT’s receipt and review of allegations of possible research misconduct by my office are treated as confidential under MIT and, to the extent applicable, federal policies. MIT does not intend to
disclose its receipt and review of these allegations to others. By the same token, you therefore may not disclose to others that you brought your concern to the VPR’s attention, or the outcome of MIT’s review of the concern.” Letter to Maarten van Kampen

Academic Publishing Maarten van Kampen paper mills

Bottom of the barrel: BatDolphin-based sparse fuzzy algorithm

“BatDolphin-based sparse fuzzy algorithm, cat swarm optimization, honey bees optimization, moth amalgamated elephant herding optimization, fitness sorted moth search algorithm, improved tunicate swarm optimization, lion algorithm, deer hunting optimization, various rider optimization schemes, grey wolf optimization, cuckoo search, and finally a bat algorithm. Such a zoo of names immediately raises suspicion, and for a good reason.” – Maarten van Kampen