Tag: Elke Stein

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 8.09.2023 – Hope to one billion individuals

Schneider Shorts of 8.09.2023 – a German party has science on its side, a retired fraudster sanctioned by ORI, a journal scrutinised, putin’s daughter publishes in MDPI, with high- and low-profile retractions, an Israeli-super-genius, brain hacks, and finally, why russo-iranian papermillers are false friends.

Schneider Shorts

Schneider Shorts 9.12.2022 – The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake

Schneider Shorts 8.12.2022 – with a harassed nano-fabricator in France, growing pressure on Stanford president, a resigned dean of Weill Cornell, a resigned psychology editor, a Chilean cheater suspended for 2 months, Elon’s monkey torture, stolen fossils kerfuffle, Elisabeth Bik finds an Easter Egg, and as usual, scholarly publishers misbehaving.