Research integrity University Affairs

Bristol Madness

"People should believe in themselves; to search the treasures that they have inside and use them to reinterpret the role." - Paolo Madeddu,, Professor and Chair at University of Bristol.

Meet Paolo Madeddu and Costanza Emanueli, a husband and wife couple from hell. Both Italian cardiologists, both made careers at University of Bristol in UK, she then moved to the even fancier Imperial College London. Madeddu and Emanueli are separated now, but they keep polluting medicine with fake science, they gathered a whole gang of fellow cheaters around, and they raised a new generation of toxic cheaters, primarily Rajesh Katare, now professor at University of Otago in New Zealand.

I wrote about some of their papers in earlier Friday Shorts, back then it looked like Katare was the main culprit. But it seems, Katare is the son Madeddu always wanted to have. Look at this:

Andrew Moore , Amol Shindikar , Ingrid Fomison-Nurse , Federica Riu , Pujika E Munasinghe , Thrishila Parshu Ram , Pankaj Saxena , Sean Coffey , Richard W Bunton , Ivor F Galvin , Michael J A Williams , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu , Rajesh Katare Rapid onset of cardiomyopathy in STZ-induced female diabetic mice involves the downregulation of pro-survival Pim-1 Cardiovascular Diabetology (2014) doi: 10.1186/1475-2840-13-68

A vintage Madeddu-Emanueli classic, Katare was still a twinkle in Madeddu’s eye back then:

Costanza Emanueli, Maria Bonaria Salis , Tiziana Stacca , Alessandra Pinna , Leonardo Gaspa , Paolo Madeddu Angiotensin AT(1) receptor signalling modulates reparative angiogenesis induced by limb ischaemia British Journal of Pharmacology (2002) doi: 10.1038/sj.bjp.0704461 

The image integrity sleuth Clare Francis found lots of fraud in Madeddu’s papers, and the evidence is on PubPeer. Next to his ex-wife Emanueli and his academic clone Katare, a recurrent author is another former mentee of that hellish couple – Andrea Caporali, now senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh in UK. An example of their joint, uhm, research:

Rajesh Katare, Andrea Caporali , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Benfotiamine improves functional recovery of the infarcted heart via activation of pro-survival G6PD/Akt signaling pathway and modulation of neurohormonal response Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology (2010) doi: 10.1016/j.yjmcc.2010.05.014

Madeddu and Emanueli are no small fishes. The University of Bristol informs us about Madeddu that he is “recognized as a world leader“, and:

“Madeddu has published 190 papers and obtained multimillion grants from the Medical Research Council, British Heart Foundation, Heart Research UK, Diabetes UK, and the European Community since his relocation to Bristol in 2005 through a exceptional talent recruitment scheme. He is Chief Editor of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Biologics and Regenerative Medicine, Past Chief Editor of Vascular Biology, and Associated Editor of ATVB. He sits several International Grants Committees.

Yet, the achievement Madeddu is mostly proud consists of having fostered a new generation of raising stars in cardiovascular research, who, following Madeddu’s mentoring in Bristol, have reached a professorial status in different countries, including Nicolle Kränkel (Germany), Luciola Barcelos (Brasil), Rajesh Katare (New Zealand), Marco Meloni (France), Paola Campagnolo (UK), Ajman Al Haj Zen (Qatar). This meaning Bristol past-fellows are acting as ambassadors of the Bristol Heart Institute’s excellence across the world.”

The excellence is indeed awe-inspiring. Almost as good as the research produced by another British cardiologist, David Latchman, Master of Birkbeck College in London and billionaire heir whose own lawyers took charge of university’s investigation.

David Latchman, uncensored

I publish exclusively two uncensored UCL screening panel reports into the David Latchman and Anastasis Stephanou affair. Now we know which papers were investigated and which requested retractions didn’t happen.

Emanueli is also very influential. She is even one of “10 inspirational women in science” in UK! Her research focusses on exosomes and therapeutic miRNA – you know, that utterly reproducible research field which largely consists of garbage, fraud and papermill fabrications.

Madeddu and Emanueli were found out by following other science cheaters. As Clare Francis said:

“Costanza Emanueli and Paolo Madeddu may very well fell like kissing Antonio P Beltrami on both cheeks.

Now, the Italian professor Antonio Paolo Beltrami, a collaborator of infamous research fraudster Giorgio Zauli, in turn was found out via his University of Udine, where his father, Carlo Alberto Beltrami, is professor (perfectly normal in Italy). Beltrami Senior in turn is collaborator of the inventor of non-existent heart stem cells, the sacked Harvard fraudster Piero Anversa (see Beltrami’s PubPeer record). In this regard, both Beltramis (Sr & Jr) collaborated with their Udine colleague Claudio Schneider, praising in a common paper their successes with those fictional heart stem cells.

Naturally, if your research is about something non-existent and made up, like heart stem cells, you need to bully your way a lot to get your fairy tales published.

Maybe Caporali ended up in Edinburgh because this university continues pushing heart stem cell nonsense – their favourite bully sociopath David Argyle published in this area also.

David Argyle – brave, resilient and progressive

“I have worked at several universities in my career, and never have I encountered the degree of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination that I have here. The atmosphere is utterly toxic, and everyone is scared to say anything in case it is heard and reported to [David Argyle] or [Richard Mellanby]. It is like working…

And here are Madeddu, Katare, Emanueli and Beltrami at work, combining miRNA nonsense with heart stem cell fiction to achieve 370 citations to date, the study helped Madeddu’s trainee Paola Campagnolo to become Lecturer at University of Surrey in UK:

Rajesh Katare , Federica Riu , Kathryn Mitchell , Miriam Gubernator , Paola Campagnolo , Yuxin Cui , Orazio Fortunato , Elisa Avolio , Daniela Cesselli , Antonio Paolo Beltrami , Gianni Angelini , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Transplantation of human pericyte progenitor cells improves the repair of infarcted heart through activation of an angiogenic program involving micro-RNA-132 Circulation Research (2011) doi: 10.1161/circresaha.111.251546 

Fig 6C

However, truly great scientists defecate not just all over their own research field. So the gang decided to move their heart stem cell fiction from cardiology to diabetes research, as if this field didn’t suffer already enough from fraud:

Rajesh Katare, Atsuhiko Oikawa , Daniela Cesselli , Antonio P Beltrami , Elisa Avolio , Deepti Muthukrishnan , Pujika Emani Munasinghe , Gianni Angelini , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Boosting the pentose phosphate pathway restores cardiac progenitor cell availability in diabetes Cardiovascular Research (2013) doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvs291

A common co-author on these last two and other Madeddu-Emanueli papers is Gianni Angelini MD MCh FRCS FETCS FMedSci, Head of Bristol Heart Institute and British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiac Surgery in the University of Bristol. Madeddu is also a department head at this institute. I wonder if the university will appoint Angelini as Madeddu’s chief investigator? Here is how research is done under Angelini’s watch and with his Bristol Heart Institute colleagues:

Myriam Cherif , Massimo Caputo, Yoshikazu Nakaoka , Gianni D. Angelini , Mohamed T. Ghorbel Gab1 Is Modulated by Chronic Hypoxia in Children with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Defect and Its Overexpression Reduces Apoptosis in Rat Neonatal Cardiomyocytes BioMed Research International (2015) doi: 10.1155/2015/718492
Emma L. Jenkins , Massimo Caputo , Gianni D. Angelini , Mohamed T. Ghorbel Chronic hypoxia down‐regulates tight junction protein ZO‐2 expression in children with cyanotic congenital heart defect ESC Heart Failure (2016) doi: 10.1002/ehf2.12081 

As it happens, the Italian name above, Massimo Caputo, belongs to a Bristol Heart Institute superstar who is celebrated by BBC for curing babies with stem cell injections into their hearts (read earlier Friday Shorts). And where do you think Caputo gets his umbilical cord stem cells? From Mark Lowdell, former collaborator of trachea transplanters Paolo Macchiarini and Martin Birchall, the latter formerly at Bristol University, where in fact the very first bioengineered trachea for human use was illegally prepared, in Birchall’s pig research lab. Read here:

Claudia’s trachea

This is the English original of my story for Hipertextual, first published in Spanish on 27.10.2016. What did we learn from the trachea transplant scandal around the miracle surgeon and stem cell pioneer Paolo Macchiarini, who used to conduct his human experiments in Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Russia? That despite the stem cell fairy magic, all his…

But I digress. There is never enough for great scientists like Madeddu and Emanueli. Especially if you can defraud diabetes grants in parallel with cardiology grants!

Rajesh Katare, Andrea Caporali , Lorena Zentilin , Elisa Avolio , Graciela Sala-Newby , Atsuhiko Oikawa , Daniela Cesselli , Antonio Paolo Beltrami, Mauro Giacca , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Intravenous gene therapy with PIM-1 via a cardiotropic viral vector halts the progression of diabetic cardiomyopathy through promotion of prosurvival signaling Circulation Research (2011) doi: 10.1161/circresaha.110.239111 

More, with Katare and Caporali again, and I am showing only SOME problems with ONE single figure panel:

Rajesh G Katare , Andrea Caporali , Atsuhiko Oikawa , Marco Meloni , Costanza Emanueli, Paolo Madeddu Vitamin B1 analog benfotiamine prevents diabetes-induced diastolic dysfunction and heart failure through Akt/Pim-1-mediated survival pathway Circulation Heart Failure (2010) doi: 10.1161/circheartfailure.109.903450 

Another Italian co-author whose name keeps popping up is Marco Meloni. He did postdoc with Madeddu in Bristol, then worked as lecturer in Glasgow and in Edinburgh (where Caporali works), and since 2018 he works as team leader at Sanofi. I guess you can blindly trust any drug he develops:

A Caporali , G B Sala-Newby , M Meloni , G Graiani , E Pani , B Cristofaro , A C Newby , P Madeddu , C Emanueli Identification of the prosurvival activity of nerve growth factor on cardiac myocytes Cell Death and Differentiation (2008) doi: 10.1038/sj.cdd.4402263 

These people performed very painful experiments on living mice, the animals suffered a lot before their sacrificial deaths. Certainly not for the advance of medical science, because the authors just faked the results anyway.

Andrea Caporali, Marco Meloni , Christine Völlenkle , Desiree Bonci , Graciela B. Sala-Newby , Roberta Addis , Gaia Spinetti, Sergio Losa , Rachel Masson , Andrew H. Baker , Reuven Agami , Carlos Le Sage , Gianluigi Condorelli , Paolo Madeddu , Fabio Martelli , Costanza Emanueli Deregulation of microRNA-503 contributes to diabetes mellitus-induced impairment of endothelial function and reparative angiogenesis after limb ischemia Circulation (2011) doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.110.952325 
C Emanueli, A Monopoli , N Kraenkel , M Meloni , S Gadau , I Campesi , E Ongini , P Madeddu Nitropravastatin stimulates reparative neovascularisation and improves recovery from limb Ischaemia in type-1 diabetic mice British Journal of Pharmacology (2007) doi: 10.1038/sj.bjp.0707142

It’s not just fake gels! There is micrograph recycling also, because how else does one treat diabetes?

Giuseppe Mangialardi , Rajesh Katare, Atsuhiko Oikawa , Marco Meloni , Carlotta Reni , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Diabetes causes bone marrow endothelial barrier dysfunction by activation of the RhoA-Rho-associated kinase signaling pathway Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology (2013) doi: 10.1161/atvbaha.112.300424
Federica Riu , Sadie C Slater , Eva Jover Garcia , Iker Rodriguez-Arabaolaza , Valeria Alvino , Elisa Avolio , Giuseppe Mangialardi , Andrea Cordaro , Simon Satchell , Carlo Zebele , Andrea Caporali , Gianni Angelini , Paolo Madeddu The adipokine leptin modulates adventitial pericyte functions by autocrine and paracrine signalling Scientific Reports (2017) doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05868-y

And fake immunofluorescence and flawed faux cytometry, as adjuvant therapy for diabetes:

Andrea Caporali , Elisabetta Pani , Anton J G Horrevoets , Nicolle Kraenkel , Atsuhiko Oikawa , Graciela B Sala-Newby , Marco Meloni , Brunella Cristofaro , Gallia Graiani , Aurelie S Leroyer , Chantal M Boulanger , Gaia Spinetti , Sung Ok Yoon , Paolo Madeddu, Costanza Emanueli Neurotrophin p75 receptor (p75NTR) promotes endothelial cell apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis: implications for diabetes-induced impaired neovascularization in ischemic limb muscles Circulation Research (2008) doi: 10.1161/circresaha.108.177386 

Madeddu’s trainee Nicolle Kränkel is now working at Charité Berlin in Germany and used to be Secretary of European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Yes, there are fake western blots also:

The next heart stem cell study is said to have brought Madeddu “widespread media attention” and immense money from British Heart Foundation and EU Commission, celebrated in a 2012 Spotlight in the journal Circulation:

Silvia Amadesi , Carlotta Reni , Rajesh Katare , Marco Meloni , Atsuhiko Oikawa , Antonio P Beltrami, Elisa Avolio , Daniela Cesselli , Orazio Fortunato , Gaia Spinetti , Raimondo Ascione , Elisa Cangiano , Marco Valgimigli , Stephen P Hunt , Costanza Emanueli , Paolo Madeddu Role for substance p-based nociceptive signaling in progenitor cell activation and angiogenesis during ischemia in mice and in human subjects Circulation (2012) doi: 10.1161/circulationaha.111.089763

Having learned all the tricks from Madeddu, Katare continued in New Zealand with what he does best. One paper, Manning et al 2019 was already retracted because “the statistical methodology we used did not adequately limit the impact of outlier data points on our findings.” More retractions are needed:

Joshua P. H. Neale , James T. Pearson, Kate N. Thomas , Hirotsugu Tsuchimochi , Hiroshi Hosoda , Masayasu Kojima , Takahiro Sato , Gregory T. Jones , Adam P. Denny , Lorna J. Daniels , Dhananjie Chandrasekera , Ping Liu , Andre M. Van Rij , Rajesh Katare, Daryl O. Schwenke Dysregulation of ghrelin in diabetes impairs the vascular reparative response to hindlimb ischemia in a mouse model; clinical relevance to peripheral artery disease Scientific Reports (2020) doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-70391-6

Correction October 2020:

“In the original version of this Article, Rajesh Katare and Daryl O. Schwenke were omitted as equally contributing authors. In addition, Rajesh Katare was omitted as a corresponding author.”

And again, Katare’s usual fake western blots:

Pujika Emani Munasinghe , Eng Leng Saw , Matthew Reily-Bell , Devin Tonkin , Yoshihiko Kakinuma , Martin Fronius, Rajesh Katare Non-neuronal cholinergic system delays cardiac remodelling in type 1 diabetes Heliyon (2023) doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17434

Curiously, Katare claims these research interests on his university website:

  • Treatment of ischemic hearts with resident cardiac stem cells
  • Development of engineered heart tissue using cardiac and mesenchymal stem cells

As I mentioned cardiac stem cells do not exist, they were fabricated by the mega-fraudster Piero Anversa, with additional fabrications from people like Madeddu, Emanueli, Beltrami Sr & Jr, Joseph Loscalzo, Roberto Bolli, etc (probably a coincidence all these names are Italian). What is Katare hinting at here? That all his research is just as fake?

Joe Loscalzo’s Drag Show

“Dr. Loscalzo […] has a more cool-headed awareness and philosophy of research ethics than anyone else. We are here to stop the reckless defamation of Dr. Loscalzo and baseless attacks on his papers. Please ignore any malicious concerns and conspiracies. “

Katare made it to Head of Department at the University of Otago and is very well funded there. In 2022, he received a grant to invent “a novel, multi-use, off-the-shelf, biodegradable ulcer patch as an advanced wound-care product” using, can you guess what? Nanoparticles. But look, Katare is such a nice guy, he said he does this all to help the indigenous Maori people:

“In Aotearoa, there is a disproportionate increase in the rate of chronic non-healing ulcers in the Māori population, especially in those with diabetes. Current treatments fail to prevent amputation in more than 58 per cent of diabetic patients developing foot ulcers.”

“Spotlight: Paolo Madeddu, MD, FAHA” Circulation (2012) “People should believe in themselves; to search the treasures that they have inside and use them to reinterpret the role.”

It was not easy to get the universities to admit my notification of suspected research misconduct against their scientists. Caporale’s employer, the University of Edinburgh, replied first, after merely 2 emails and 4 days:

Your email has been passed to the University’s Research Integrity Enquiries team, who will consider this matter and respond directly to you as soon as possible.

Well, they did whitewash the bully Argyle, but they also previously sacked another Senior Lecturer who, like Caporale, was a foreigner – Irina Stancheva. After my reporting, as it happens.

Edinburgh saves Bird men from clutches of Bulgarian Jezebel

Irina Stancheva was investigated in Edinburgh for fraud at least twice, in 2009 and 2017, yet retraction and correction decisions were not implemented. Apparently to protect the reputation of Nobel Prize candidate Sir Adrian Bird and his male mentees, primarily Richard Meehan. One wonders: how much of Bird research in past two decades was actually…

Also the University of Bristol replied at the same time. Adam Taylor, Head of Research Governance, wrote to me:

Thank you for your emails.  We have noted your concerns and will look into them and take appropriate action.”

He never replied to me again, and you will soon see why that was important.

Katare’s employer, University of Otago, needed 6 days and 5 emails. Their Pro-Vice-Chancellor Patricia Priest wrote to me:

I have notified the University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Enterprise, and we will take the matter under consideration. In doing so we will liaise as necessary with both Professor Katare and the University of Bristol. “

The most difficult case was the Imperial College London, where Emanueli is now full professor. They regularly whitewash research fraud there, even their own president Hugh Brady is no stranger to fake science:

The Imperial Research Integrity officer Jon Hancock simply ignored all my emails, and the Research Integrity Manager of UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) refused to help me reach through to Imperial, hinting it was not their job.

After trying for two weeks to get Hancock and his colleagues to admit my notification, all in vain, I complained to the leadership of the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial, where Emanueli works. They already have a fraud case being whitewashed there:

Right the next day, Hancock replied:

Dear Mr Schneider,
I am writing to acknowledge that the College is aware of the concerns that have been raised on PubPeer.  They will be considered in accordance with the College’s Research Misconduct Procedures.  The College will also cooperate with the other universities that have been made aware of these concerns.
Mr Jon B Hancock BA (Hons)”

Like the Imperial, the Bristol University are certainly not foreign to research fraud, and neither are they foreign to bullying. A reminder is the Abder Kaidi affair, which ended with the university retaliating against their own whistleblowers:

Abder Kaidi fraud and bullying scandal unravels

The fraud case of Bristol cell biologist Abderrahmane Kaidi looked rather straightforward: Bristol University caught a group leader on data faking and bullying, and immediately had him removed. Turns out, it was not really like that. Now I publish some very revealing leaked material, spiced with stories of a guerrilla Twitter account and a deleted…

Well, guess what I was told. Both Madeddu and Emanueli were allegedly accused of bullying by their own lab members, in 2015-2016. The specific accusations were of shouting, long working hours and lack of supervision. Allegedly, the university’s HR department investigated this and held interviews with a number of staff on the condition of anonymity, but when HR forwarded the claims to Madeddu, the whistleblowers’ names were not redacted. The HR then made clear to the victims that they were not going to protect them. 

Now, I don’t know if the allegations of bullying were really made and even less so if they were true. I also can’t verify the claim I received that Madeddu knew about data manipulation happening in his lab, and took no action. So I put these allegations to Madeddu, Emanueli and the Bristol University responsibles. I invited them several times to deny these allegations. They never did. Draw your own conclusions.

The Crooks of CRUK

Cancer Research UK is a charity which relies on donations, volunteer work and fundraising. What if these citizens knew their money goes to fund bad science?

I eventually received a reply from the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which invested lots of money into Madeddu’s fake science. For example, BHF gave him over £235k in 2019 to develop a “gene therapy to reduce the damage caused by aging in the heart“. As it happens, his ex-wife serves as Chair of Cardiovascular Science at BHF, re-elected in 2021. BHF announced to have forwarded my emails to their research integrity team “for further consideration and review”.

Madeddu is currently drawing a research grant from another British charity, Diabetes UK, “to develop a new treatment” with a magical “‘longevity’ protein, to help prevent heart problems” and to save “people with diabetes from potentially life-threatening complications.” A wild guess who approved this grant: the charity’s Board of Trustees member, a certain Costanza Emanueli. This charity did not reply to my email.


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56 comments on “Bristol Madness

  1. Universities are businesses, what do you expect?


  2. “recurrent author is another former mentee of that hellish couple – Andrea Caporali, now senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh in UK.”

    Andrea Caporali had already been practising with Saverio Bettuzzi. Practice makes perfect!


    • I thought it’s a different Andrea Caporali, in Parma? Ours studied in Bologna, and hasn’t been working in Parma as it seems.



        See under: publications.


        Molecular classification of green tea catechin-sensitive and green tea catechin-resistant prostate cancer in the TRAMP mice model by quantitative real-time PCR gene profiling
        Scaltriti, M., Belloni, L., Caporali, A., Davalli, P., Remondini, D., Rizzi, F., Astancolle, S., Corti, A. & Bettuzzi, S., May 2006, In: Carcinogenesis: Integrative Cancer Research. 27, 5, p. 1047-53 7 p.
        Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review


        Cell detachment and apoptosis induction of immortalized human prostate epithelial cells are associated with early accumulation of a 45 kDa nuclear isoform of clusterin
        Caccamo, A. E., Scaltriti, M., Caporali, A., D’Arca, D., Scorcioni, F., Astancolle, S., Mangiola, M. & Bettuzzi, S., 15 Aug 2004, In: Biochemical Journal. 382, Pt 1, p. 157-68 12 p.
        Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review

        The chemopreventive action of catechins in the TRAMP mouse model of prostate carcinogenesis is accompanied by clusterin over-expression
        Caporali, A., Davalli, P., Astancolle, S., D’Arca, D., Brausi, M., Bettuzzi, S. & Corti, A., Nov 2004, In: Carcinogenesis: Integrative Cancer Research. 25, 11, p. 2217-24 8 p.
        Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review


      • Same Andrea Caporali. Check under: publications in his own website for 2006 and 2004.
        Page 2 of the publications


      • I am still unsure if this is the same Caporali, maybe the list was assembled without checking, so I contacted U of Edinburgh for confirmation.
        Anyway, here is my my Bettuzzi coverage:

        Schneider Shorts 10.11.2023 – Stupid, stereotypical, and offensive jokes about my Country


  3. I wonder who invited Paolo Madeddu and Costanza Emanueli to the University of Bristol.

    “Professor Massimo Pignatelli has been appointed Head of the School of Medicine and Professor Rhian Touyz has been appointed Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences.

    Prof Pignatelli joins from the University of Bristol where he was Professor of Histopathology and Head of the Department of Clinical Sciences.”

    Click to access List%20of%20governors%20with%20names%20UPDATED%20JUNE%202010.pdf

    Updated: June 2010

    University of Bristol Prof Massimo Pignatelli – Head of Clinical Science


  4. “A Caporali , G B Sala-Newby , M Meloni , G Graiani , E Pani , B Cristofaro , A C Newby , P Madeddu , C Emanueli Identification of the prosurvival activity of nerve growth factor on cardiac myocytes Cell Death and Differentiation (2008) doi: 10.1038/sj.cdd.4402263 ”

    Nothing will happen about this paper as one of the Editors-in-chief, Gerry Melino, Roma,Italy, will shy away from it as he has an extensive Pubpeer record himself.


  5. Sholto David

    “In 2022, he received a grant to invent “a novel, multi-use, off-the-shelf, biodegradable ulcer patch as an advanced wound-care product” using, can you guess what? Nanoparticles” – Please, if these are not “green synthesized” I won’t hear about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sholto David

    BHF have a research integrity team!? I should let them know about Ken Suzuki!


    • I think the government funded research councils, the major charities, and universities are quite happy with the way things are at present because that’s what suits them. Snouts in the publicly funded trough. They virtue-signal that they are helping people, but for the most part help themselves and their friends. The charities in particular think that they can do nothing but good, but by fostering fat cat fraudsters they make nearly everything else worse.

      The figments of imagination of the fats cat fraudsters are unlikely to be true, resources are diverted from scientists, the false data confuses scientists, and by fostering fat cat fraudsters the charities lend them credibility and make them into permanent fixtures in the landscape, which can bully those around them.

      If you let the charities know that they are funding fat cat fraudsters they will most likely not believe you, or think that you are a nasty little oik defaming them and the fat cat fraudsters.


    • No, BHF doesn’t really have a research integrity team, just an email address:

      Liked by 1 person

  7. NMH, the failed scientist and incel

    Costanza Emanueli is “An inspirational woman of science”:

    oh, my.


    • Whatever it does the British Heart Foundation (BHF) either does not look at the data, or if it does look at the data it ignores them.

      The BHF probably relies on who is friends with whom, plus counting the number of publications (no analysis whatsoever).

      I write this because if the BHF had looked at Paolo Madeddu’s and Costanza Emanueli’s why did it fund them?

      Other people should have received the money, other people should have Paolo Madeddu’s and Costanza Emanueli’s careers. Cardiology research at the University of Bristol has been severely damaged. The only good thing is that now we know about Paolo Madeddu’s and Costanza Emanueli’s rampant faked data. Until only a month ago it was happily sitting in the dark. Nobody was any the wiser.

      Apart from the charities wanting to keep everything quiet, the University of Bristol will want to keep everything quiet, and also the cardiology research journals will want to keep everything quiet.

      At least we now know about the rampant Paolo Madeddu and Costanza Emanueli fakery. Most likely the scientific record will not be corrected as there are too many vested interests involved.


  8. That old English refrain:

    “Christmas is coming,
    The fat cat fraudsters are getting fatter”

    It will be just like that.

    Christmas is nearly here.
    Over Christmas the higher-ups at the University of Bristol will forget all about the rampant fakery. The money is already in the bank earning interest.


    • Even though the charities the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK have been informed about the rampant fakery they will not be able to make a determination about the fakery for months and months, especially because Christmas is in the air, and because they couldn’t possibly convene any committees for months and months even though their Chief Executives could take a look at the problematic data and make decisions in 5 minutes. The Chief Executives can in fact make executive decisions.


  9. Dr. Joseph Loscalzo is American cardiologist-scientist. Do not bind Dr. Loscalzo with Italian fraudsters like Piero Anversa.


  10. E Helena Kross

    Being somewhat unfamiliar with the issues regarding cardiac stem cells, I spent today reading the literature. Wow. The scientific establishment seems to have conspired big time with dishonest scientists. Why? Blowing money into rat holes. No easy explanation. Thank you to this blog site for exposing these fraudsters.



    Why can’t the University of Bristol toss this publication out? The University of Bristol has tens of thousands of publications, why does it need this one?


  12. It is not madness. Paolo Madeddu, Costanza Emanueli, Rajesh Katare and Andrea (that’s a man’s name in Italy) most likely have mental capacity, and know perfectly well what they have been doing. No insanity whatsoever.


  13. “Also the University of Bristol replied at the same time. Adam Taylor, Head of Research Governance, wrote to me:

    “Thank you for your emails. We have noted your concerns and will look into them and take appropriate action.”

    He never replied to me again, and you will soon see why that was important.”

    The University of Bristol may be the hardest nut to crack. Already a history of downplaying problematic data. In the end will grudgingly admit to 10 to 20% of the problematic data so is quids in. Considers itself up there with Cambridge and Oxford. I am not sure that Costanza Emanueli’s going to Imperial College is going to a fancier place.

    What does Adam Taylor, Head of Research Governance at the the University of Bristol, and his ilk, do all day? Sharpen his pencils, hand out leaflets on how to deal with research misconduct, give talks about research misconduct, liaise with others about research misconduct, but not in fact detect any research misconduct? Maybe that is for research misconduct deflection officers to do, and is beneath Adam Taylor’s station in life.

    I have no evidence that any research misconduct officer in the U.K. has ever detected any research misconduct.

    The “appropriate action” Adam Taylor will take is to ignore the problematic data as, in fact, that is the best way to avoid paying any grant monies back. Any corrections, or retractions, would be a validation of problematic data, therefore it is better to have no corrections, or reactions. That makes sense.

    Christmas is nearly here, over the holidays the University of Bristol will lose emails, forget all about it, perhaps have a good laugh!


  14. I used to think that Cardiovascular Research was a quality journal, but perhaps I was using a wrong definition of quality.

    Scroll up for the other problematic data for the same paper.

    Is there a case for fining publisher’s?


  15. According to the charity Diabetes UK the University of Bristol is carrying out an investigation of Professor Paolo Madeddu.
    That could take years to complete. I wonder why a multi-million charity cannot makes its own determination on problematic data, or even seek independent advice on the matter.

    Anyway, best keep quiet so the punters keep putting money into Diabetes UK’s collection tins, bank accounts.


    • Madeddu was already investigated and found innocent. If he can recycle gel bands, so why can’t Bristol University recycle their old investigative report?


      • I agree, it’s a likely outcome that the University of Bristol will recycle its circa 2015 report and find Paolo Madeddu innocent. Most, but not all the problematic papers are before 2015 so it makes sense for the University of Bristol to recycle its 2015 report.


  16. It seems that Diabetes UK raised £42.1 million for the last year available, and that the British Heart Foundation raised £144 million for the last year available.,who%20benefitted%20from%20our%20work.

    Diabetes UK cannot seem to make up its mind about the problematic Paolo Madeddu/Costanza Emanueli data, and the British Heart Foundation, apart from replying to questions posed at its feedback email address, has remained silent on any determination on the problematic Paolo Madeddu/Costanza Emanueli data.



    “Sir Eric Thomas, gynaecologist and enlightened vice-chancellor of Bristol University – obituary”

    “In 2001 he was appointed president and vice-chancellor of the University of Bristol, a post he would hold until 2015.”

    That means he would have presided over the problematic Paolo Madeddu publications.
    If you are president you preside. That what presidents do.
    I wonderful legacy.


  18. 25 March 2024 retraction for Rajesh Katare.


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